Frequently asked questions

Where do I upload artwork?

Artwork can be uploaded with our online design or after checkout, you can also add any necessary order or artwork notes.

I cant find the garment I want, can you source it?

We have a very wide number of suppliers. Drop us over an email with your request & we'll let you know.

Can I have a mix of garments?

If you want a mix of garments T-shirt & hoodies Printed this is classed as a custom quote so you'll have to order via email. We typically we have a minimum of 20 per garment style.

Can I have a mix of sizes?

You can have a mix of sizes for no extra charge.

How many print colours are in my design?

If you are unsure of the number of print colours it's usually best to drop a preview over to us.

What is an underbase?

An underbase is used when the garment colour is darker than the ink colour. This is a white layer that is printed before the design to make sure the print is smooth & bright on darker fabrics.

Do you offer dtg?

We do this is available to order online.